
Showing posts from July, 2018

Universe Quote

Universe Quote "Love is universal, universe is love. You can believe it is our universe home. But, not all visions are able to see so. Only the blind eyes are merely able to gape in awe. When the shooting stars fade, I feel like I'm soaring high. We will always be somewhere if not here then there."                                        (Ammar Yasir)

Peace Quote

Peace Quote "My soul feel comfort in the silence, My soul feel no burden while sitting in the sanctuary of solitude, it loves the stillness of no sounds, it loves the placid where there is no chaos."                                     (Ammar Yasir)

Loneliness Quote

Loneliness Quote "There's difference between oneness and loneliness. Nature is made by oneness, whereas loneliness sees the nature."                                              (Ammar Yasir)

Nature Quote

Nature Quote "When you see the ideology of nature's laws. It gives the proof of your wiseness."                                                  (Ammar Yasir)

Life Quote

Life Quote "Life is that kind of thing that if we want, we can finish it, before life finishes or we can keep it alive even after life."                                                        (Ammar Yasir)

Thought Quote

Thought Quote "Every thought possesses reality but, not every reality possesses thought."                                              (Ammar Yasir)

World Quote

World Quote If you see the world's obvious, you'll become the world's. But, if you see what's hidden from normal eyes, the world will become yours.                                               (Ammar Yasir)

Experience Quote

Experience Quote  " A person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside allowing you to grow. Without them, it sleeps-seldom to awaken. The sleeper must be awaken."                                           (Ammar Yasir)

World Quote

World Quote "Imaginations has no limits! I believe in the imagination. What I cannot see is infinitely more important than what I can see." (Ammar Yasir)

Life Quote

Life Quote "if you don't want discord, accept your mistakes."                                                        (Ammar Yasir) " Grief Leads the man towards the real purpose of  life." (Ammar Yasir) "Fantasies are temporary, just like us."                                          (Ammar Yasir)